Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Dreams are Ours for Life

Well, my school holiday officially starts at 00:00 in the morning.
So...I have decided to write another short story for my delusive blog.
But it will take some time 'cause I have paintings to finish and dresses to design
within this '11 days of utter freedom'.

But I love what I do. I really do.
Drawing. Painting. Designing. Composing. Photography-ing.
And some other activities I like to indulge in.
They all mean a lot to me and if someone comes up and say to me, right in the face,
"You're not cut out for it."
"You can't."
"Stop wasting your time."
"Go study."
"Stop being so childish."
Haha...I will really list them as 'dead' in my mental notebook.
And I can be very cruelly cold if I'm angry. Like seriously angry.
So what if I don't have the natural talent for something.
Does it mean I can't fall in love with it?
Or does it mean I should just keep quiet and listen to whatever people say
just because not everyone are born with the genius ability
to SUDDENLY know how to play an instrument?
Having dreams have no conditions.
They are ours to follow and pursue it as far and infinite as we like.
People can say what they think,
but they can never say what is right for you.
Only you know that...
after all,
you grew up with yourself ever since the day you ever existed.
So you know yourself the best.
Logic? ^_^