Monday, June 17, 2013

Complicated Social Choices; to get even or get mad?

Okay guys, to get even....or to get mad?
And pardon me but I can pretty much assume that half of those who read this probably answered with a grit to their teeth, "Don't get mad, get even." I understand, totally.
Getting mad at some frienemy or a deck-sized b*tch can use up most of your precious nutrients and it's not all that worth the risk. If the horse-face wants to ruin you,
your natural instincts would be to overcome her pettiness.
She gets good grades, you get better grades.
She has a hot boyfriend, you get yourself the hottest one there is.
And if she looks like a model, you'll look like a queen.
That's getting even.
But lately, I've done some thinking and realized that I'm quite the impatient brat-no surprise there.
So I really don't like all the effort going into "Project Popular".
Most of the times, I'd rather get mad; after careful deliberation, of course.
And there are situations when getting mad actually finishes up the problem quicker than not getting mad.
Yeah I know. The quickest way may not be the best way but hey, at least it gets your point across to that thick-headed nutcase. I snap whenever there's someone like that.
And so far, everything's pretty good. God, I'm jinx-ing myself. Touch wood!
Anyway, getting mad also takes its for me, I get extremely irritated even after its been done.
It lasts for a while but after a short nap during boring lessons, I'm all good and ready to go!
But as I've said earlier, there are risks to be included. Analyze the situation first, guys. Then you let your wrath be known. 65% fury and 35% control.
Remember to "chillax" too.
Did I just contradict myself somewhere in this post btw?
Love 'ya guys! Have fun conquering your high school life~

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