Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Love is not for Me

My best friend, Colette, seemed very fidgety today. She was looking around and keeping her eyes opened. It wasn't until later in the day that she told me that she was trying to pass a souvenir to her "boyfriend" but couldn't, because their relationship hasn't been made known yet. 
She was worried-probably more embarrassed-that everyone including the guy's 'buddy group' would make fun of both of them, jokingly of course. And I was like, just give it to him already!
Sigh. She never did so we resumed our humorous little chat before she said again to me that he was acting coldly towards her when she saw him during recess. Moreover, I was further confused when Colette also mentioned that although they talked on the phone every night, she had been the one to start the conversation and even the freaking topic every time they did. 
I gave her a light advice and told her to follow these lines the next time they chat again,
Colette: So, what do you want to talk about tonight?
Guy: I don't know.
Colette: Okay, then I'm hanging up. I've got a lot of things to do right now. 

Was that awesome or what...a girl's gotta be cold because that's the only way to snap her guy out of a habit she doesn't like. And if that guy is allowed to continue to treat my BFF that way, something's going to turn out wrong one day and I don't like it when someone makes her cry. 
Simply put, I don't trust that guy. I never knew him (and I still don't) but even so, my guts are always right. More or less.
Ooo! And I thought of an incredible idea today. Did you know that there's a company in Japan that rent dogs to people who can't have one otherwise? Well, what if there's a company that instead of renting out pets, they can 'rent out' dates? 
It'd be super cool if you just want to feel what's it like to be a couple. At the end of the day, you two can say good bye and go home thinking, "So that's how it feels to have a boyfriend/girlfriend..."
But of course, it's unrealistic, I guess. And offending to some people but I was just fantasizing. Can't blame a girl for making a wish, eh?

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