Saturday, June 22, 2013

Pre-Haunted House

Guys, I really need your help this time!
I'm going to be a 'ghost' at my school's haunted house for canteen day but until now,
I have no idea what I'll be dressing up as.
The point with this year is that all the 'ghosts' will be famous supernatural beings
like mummies, werewolves, literal ghosts, vampires, etc.
And not just some wet flour slapped onto someone's face and then drench him in fake blood.
This year is going to-it has to be-the best EVER. Like ever.
That's why the blueprints alone should be able to scare the "planners", which includes me.
But I'm a scaredy-cat so I don't actually count. I did contribute some pretty cool ideas though.
Now you see them, now you don't. That sort. And there'll be a super loud siren too!
Just all of the sudden. Hospital-themed. Freaky right?
Anyway, I'm going to be the one behind the counter inside the haunted house.
The one that asks the participants questions and if they get it wrong,
OFF to the Path of Doom&Terror with them!
You can pretty much guess what happens to those who get the questions right. Easy cake.
But I don't want to look creepy ugly. God no.
I'm thinking more of creepy but pretty. Like what Damon from Vampire Diaries S3 said to Elena.
And I've run out of ideas. Can anyone "donate" some fresh ideas please?
So far I'm taking the-vampire girl with bandages around her eye and head-pretty well.
Though isn't that a little cliche?

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