Friday, April 26, 2013

Dolls, eek!

I'm so afraid of the weirdest thing a girl shouldn't be of; dolls.
Just writing about it is giving me the shivers (>_<)
I wasn't always like this because when I was little, I used to play a lot with Barbie dolls.
You get to change pretty outfits for them...
and match them up with boyfriends! (=^_^=)
Then I watched Child's Play even though I wasn't allowed to. (=_=)
....that doll.
I can't even write or form that name in my mind!
The worst thing is, my friends found out about it and started saying that name time after time.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Super Bad Week

Super bad week...
Remember my post Bad Day with Whipping Cream on Top?
Yeah, this is a continuation of it.
The aftermath.

1. So I found out that I lost my position.
The entire 'body' replaced with people who I can barely remember.
Except for 3 of them. They're tolerable.
I tried to hold it in during the election.
And it was working until the teacher pulled me aside and wanted to comfort me.
Then I went faucet-failure!
Oh my God, it was so embarrassing.
I couldn't understand why I cried at all. I knew it was going to happen considering the fact that I'm practically the only one in the PSS that actually did my job and more than often, scolded the others to do theirs too.
But when I got home, I cried the remainder and then gave it a thought.
Why am I upset?
I'm supposed to be cold and unaffected.
Turns out, I realized that I cried because it was so fu@king unfair!!!!
I felt so unappreciated and taken for granted for ALL the work and focus I have contributed to the PSS!!
2 years! I gave it my all for 2 a*s $hit fu@king years!
And just so you know, I'm only in my 4th year in secondary.
I started when I was in my 2nd year. Since then, I never stopped.
Those people only wanted to choose another because then, there wouldn't be anyone to tell them to do their jobs anymore.
If you want to skip out on your responsibilities and obligations as a PSS prefect,
then go the hell on. Because my dears, I don't give a d@mn anymore.
After the 7th month, just you watch.
This girl ain't gonna pay you a glance.
Got a problem? Nothing to do with me.
Solve it all on your own. I ain't got time to cater to your pampered calls.

Moving on...

2. I lost the drama competition.
The reason? My bad script.
I feel down. But I'm also angry because the best performance awards went to the winning school when it was bright as day that Pritigavani and Ashwin from our drama team were the best actor and actress.
Unfair much?

Argh! There's too much injustice!
I'm already emotionally down when I'm at home,
so there really isn't a need for it to be the same in school.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Love is Orange

I'm serious.
Love for me isn't pink or red.
It's a bloody orange.
Simply short and sour with its moments hidden deep within its juices...
Some people just don't get that
so please,
don't intervene.
I don't need another human trying to be cupid.
If it's meant to be, then it'll be.
Seriously. I don't want to end up having to b*tch about it.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Big Lunch

Oh my Lord.
Magnum Chocolate Brownie ice-cream,
my usual lunch,
one carton of chrysanthemum drink,
a packet of Super Rings,
and a slice of honeydew...
Talk about biting off more than you could chew.
Too full, loves!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Live your own road

To hell with journeys together.
Your life is your own road.
No one can walk it with you because all they can do is either try to stop you or try to tag along before heading their own way.
It is how it is.
Live realistically.
Because if you don't, then honey, you'll be in a whole lot of sh*t.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Ups and Downs

Urgh! I'm so sorry guys.
I've been on a 'depressed' streak lately so some of my posts are about me being down by the late,
which doesn't matter to anyone, I guess T^T
Anyway, everyone has their own ups and downs.
Some are horrible yet there are moments where it's so high up that you just forget about who you are.
So don't forget your downs and keep still when you're up.
Pfft. It's that easy when you're just saying it, I guess.
Just try your best, loves~*