Thursday, May 30, 2013

Losing My Mind

I hate him. I do.
No one understands the extend to how much I hate him.
I need space. I'm 16 and I'm going through a psycophatic phase.
And I'm not stupid or delusional.
I know that they're not my parents that's why I don't think of them like that.
But when they try to over step the boundaries only my parents are allowed to,
that's when I cross the line.
Stay away.
Only one thing I ask.
Stay away before I lose my mind.

Monday, May 20, 2013

A Little Luck Doesn't Hurt

How on earth was it that Biology was even more difficult compared to Chemistry and Physics?
It's memorizing. And I don't think I have that bad of a memory...?
But the thing that freaked me out the most wasn't the fact that I might get low grades..
I was actually much more concerned with the fact that I might be surpassed.
For the past 3 years, guys, I've always been 2nd or 3rd (though there was a time when I fell to 4th)
And I'm just so arrogant that the trauma would be horrendous if I'd be surpassed by someone else.
I can't stop worrying about it and worse, my Maths/Add.maths teacher said that she was done marking our test papers and was gonna give 'em back tomorrow in school.
If I don't nail that top 3 seat this time round,
I'm gonna think 'bout nothing else BUT my studies!
Or I'll have to admit that I'm just plain too stupid for upper secondary studies.
Or, if my aunt gets to me first, that is.
I'd rather go with the first, guys.
Nothing but utter denial.
Wish me luck for my exam results!