Saturday, August 31, 2013

Studying for my PATs

It's already been a month after I decided that I should probably start studying for my PATs.
What triggered my vow that day were my unsatisfactory results from my PPTs. 
And! The solemn fact that I have to apply for an important scholarship using my PAT results.
Unfortunately, as some of you might have already figured out, I am heading...nowhere. Period.
I always make a U-Turn towards my ipad rather than the study table
It's driving me insane!
I know I HAVE to study. But I'm barely doing my homework, much less any studying.
It is the pressure? I heard it does things like that to a person.
But I don't think I feel pressured.
Actually, I'm feeling pretty tough and all that.
Like seriously. 
I know right? It's just crazy how idiotic I'm being.
God. I remember that during Form 1, I was studying a couple of weeks before the exams.
Form 2, a week before.
Form 3, days before.
And now Form 4!! (=_=)
....a day before my exams. More of "the night before" actually.
I mean, I only started studying Physics AFTER my paper 1. That's why that paper was only so-so.
I know I could have done better than "No.1" for that subject if I had started BEFORE.
It hurts to remember. The regret!!!
My BFF said to me a few days ago that while I study at night, she studies in the afternoon.
(I asked her what she usually does after school. That's what caused her to say the above.)
(I take noon naps, mind you.)
In my mind, I was like, uhhhh.
You know why? 'Cause I don't!
I don't even touch more than one homework a night. How do you expect me to actually study?
And I started going for 2 cram classes a couple of months ago.
Chemistry (I have to. The chemistry teacher in school is hopeless) and Additional Mathematics.
The latter because it's a subject that requires doing lots of exercises and as you can guess as well,
I'm not doing 'em. Heheh.
But I think I'm getting bored for these cram classes already.
It's really annoying to give up my precious sleep, you know. Although I do sleep quite late in the morning. About 3 or 4 a.m.. Even during weekdays.
I'm just don't feel like sleeping 'early'. And partly because of my ipad.
Wait, what is this post about again?
Oh right. So, all I have to do is start studying like pronto!
You only need like 2 things to ace exams after all.
Time and unwavering focus.
I have time....but I'm lacking the other one.