Friday, April 17, 2015

Wiser? Sure. Than me? Depends.

     I'm a rude person. Sometimes I do it accidentally and most times I do it because I actually mean to show that "I can't tolerate your mere presence." When it's like the latter, it just doesn't make sense to me why anyone would think of me as a spiteful brat with no manners. Oh hey there, here's the thing-I don't just dislike him, I seriously can't stand the sight of him. So why on Lord's earth am I supposed to smile and be kind to someone's who is racist as sh*t, make ignorant comments and theories then proceed to parade them as the ultimate truth? Like why? Is it morally wrong of me to ignore someone who I hate? Is it illegal for me to not answer that person's questions?
          People older than me think that because that they're older, it makes them all the more justified in their opinions.
          You might be wiser. You might be more knowledgeable (in some things anyway). But you are definitely clueless about what I went through and the basic laws of humanity. Simply put, honey, it's like I got burnt on the left side of my body and you just threw an arm around my shoulders singing lullabies to soothe me although all I need at that moment is a f*cking doctor and a bucket of ice water. It's true that I need it and you know I need it but soothing comes after I'm treated and left with a scar.
          It's rude when you say I'm wrong to hate someone because you stick to what you know all 'cause it's bigger and it's on your side.
          Honey, I'm 18...not stupid. Short-tempered maybe, but not so stupid that I can't decide on my own who I like and don't like so, make your case like an actual respectful adult and shut your trap. It's enough, don't you think?