Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sprained Ankle Incident

I sprained my ankle in school the other day and it was so stupid.
This is how it happened; the recess bell rang so my BFF and I had to immediately head to our respective 'workplace'. As we were leaving, some juniors were playing around and they got too close to me. I was going to cross a drain at the time but I forgot and tried to avoid the oncoming juniors, thus, I lost my balance and had to shift my position in mid-air as I was falling to avoid falling into the drain instead.
Oh God, and it was so, so stupid......I miscalculated and twisted my ankle.
It was almost unbelievable. My ankle bent 90 degrees and I nearly thought I fractured it. Fortunately, my friend helped me to find a place to sit. I had to skip on one leg the whole way..and that hurt too, you know.
But I guess it's fine since the juniors apologized to me afterward, even though it wasn't totally their fault. I should have stood my ground instead of doing something as stupid as that. Urghh! I'm just so forgetful this days.
Juniors..sorry for acting like it was all you guys' fault. Pretty sorry with cherries on top?

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