Saturday, September 17, 2011

Just a little Rest needed..

I'm stressing out because of my End-year examinations and they won't be a piece of cake that's for sure. But I can't say that I'm afraid of it but more like, the consequences that comes after. After all these years, what people expected of me became what I want for myself. If I don't have it, I feel as though I'm letting my very existence down and I don't want to feel that way!!
........I just don't understand..why I can't seem to understand what it is that I don't understand? Is it suppose to be a question or should I just keep quiet about it and glue my head to a textbook?
I know that being top is important; I really do understand so that is why I'm always so competitive in my own way.
What's so confusing?! I don't even get it myself!!
Anyway, sorry for troubling you guys with my unnecessary fusssing-abouts. I just need some time to think. I'll try to write something better for you guys when I'm better- something that you guys should be able to relate yourselves to. And that's a solid promise with my heart crossed. Good bye and take care.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Remember your rewards if you do what is your destiny
for you shall only falter and fall;
'if' it is unwise of you to succumb to lowly rewards
that is no better than a grab of fine sand.
