Saturday, September 17, 2011

Just a little Rest needed..

I'm stressing out because of my End-year examinations and they won't be a piece of cake that's for sure. But I can't say that I'm afraid of it but more like, the consequences that comes after. After all these years, what people expected of me became what I want for myself. If I don't have it, I feel as though I'm letting my very existence down and I don't want to feel that way!!
........I just don't understand..why I can't seem to understand what it is that I don't understand? Is it suppose to be a question or should I just keep quiet about it and glue my head to a textbook?
I know that being top is important; I really do understand so that is why I'm always so competitive in my own way.
What's so confusing?! I don't even get it myself!!
Anyway, sorry for troubling you guys with my unnecessary fusssing-abouts. I just need some time to think. I'll try to write something better for you guys when I'm better- something that you guys should be able to relate yourselves to. And that's a solid promise with my heart crossed. Good bye and take care.

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