Sunday, February 26, 2012

Don't Ask no.2

Ignore! Ignore! Don't even read my posts. I'm a hypocrite with too much homework to do. But I actually like doing homework though...
I'm never sulking again. How could I ruin the mood for my friends? I'm a hypocrite and certainly not sunny-type. And I only realised my wicked sulking hypocrite self now! After it happened long ago. I'll have to fix this tomorrow in school...

Wicked me, the Observer

I like to think of myself as an absolute observer. Around my friends and strangers alike. Why watch dramas when there's so much to amuse yourself with all around you.
...damn it...I feel so wicked today. Even my last post had some wickedness in its words.

Changes, I say Hello

There's going to be some changes, weather and school social status likewise(grin^_^). And I'm talking about social status, not social standing-there's a difference. I'll make sure to explain it to you guys next time, just not now yet~grin~

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Appreciate your Teachers

I can't necessarily say which teacher I dislike or like. Anyhow, even if I do agree with my friends that maybe one of the teachers isn't very good, I certainly hated it whenever they began spouting complaints about a teacher.
A teacher is a teacher and a student is a student. I don't appreciate any one of my classmates complaining everything about a teacher or the school. Honestly, I'm seriously getting bored with their endless antics. If they have so much to complain, then step out and become the teacher. Why do you think I always kept quiet whenever they start complaining about this and that?
Seriously, I am exhausted. But I should be fine as long as no one steps over the line with their idiotic complaints. So just remember, patience is everything. I doubt I can keep my temper in.....really, my classmates should just shut up and be appreciative for the knowledge the teachers are teaching us.
-_-' Although, I have nothing to say for one of my teachers because, it's not like she actually teaches us anything. She comes in and write some stuff on the board and that's it. I'm not lying. That's what she does, all the time. Somehow, I'm finding it a bit strange that we're already through Unit 5 from the textbook when we haven't even opened it before. Won't anyone find it strange?
Other than that particular teacher, I'm pretty okay with the others. But I have a nasty temper so.....we'll have to wait and see, now don't we? ^_^'
Oh, and one more thing, my best friend's an exception. She's not included, 'kay? It's complicated but she's different.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Happiest memory(so far) in my Diary

I showed my teacher the drama script I wrote for the club and well, it was great! She even mentioned me being the director for next year's drama program since we're doing chorus speaking this year. was one of the happiest feelings I've ever experienced and I wanted to tell someone, just anyone. But no one can listen. If I tell my best friend, she might find me to be boasting and that's just gonna be awkward at the end. My aunt? I thought of it but she shot my chance to tell her straight down the drain right after school, when she came to pick me up. Well, actually...that's all, I suppose. I haven't considered anyone else. I'm..just going to have write this down in my diary....~sigh~

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Selfish Me

I always get grumpy during classes and that makes me very, very short-tempered. I'm blaming it on the fact that I'm an attention-seeker. In other words, I'm selfish so I don't want to share my teachers' attention with anyone. I think that I should be able to understand my lessons better if the teacher focuses on me only. I hate crowd. But then there's the other theory, it could be the lack of sleep that I'm having 4 days a week. Oh, I don't know what's wrong with me. Maybe I am just that selfish.