Friday, January 11, 2013

My first HK Celebrity

I still remember the time I met my very first
Hong Kong celebrity.
I think it was in KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.
There were like lots of people in the food section I think,
and when I reached for some nuts being sold
on a wooden rack, there the woman was..
standing right on my left side
and apparently, desiring the same nuts too.
I couldn't exactly quite decide
if she was just a lookalike
or my memory served me wrong
(yes, I often tend to doubt my own memory).
She was surprisingly shorter than I thought.
And the moment we made eye contact,
that was when things got really awkward.
I was like, staring into her face,
trying to determine if she was who I thought she was.
And she was staring back, a little nervous by the looks of it.
We stayed like that for 10 seconds and
that is a long time, just so you know.
Fortunately, my aunt pulled me away before
things got really, super, undeniably awkward.
Thus, in the end, I never was sure if
my eyes were right and I still
can't forget about the way
my aunt asked me to shut up.
She could be more polite about it, you know.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Biology vs Accounts

Between accounts and biology,
I'd much rather take up bio, that's for sure.
It's so much more fun compared to
numbers, numbers and numbers.
And I'm not very handy with calculations either.
Strike one!

Friday, January 4, 2013

To fight and to Be forgotten

To fight, is to get a chance.
But to lose a fight,
is to be forgotten.

Btw, it's a sore to wake up so early in the morning for school.