Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Mid-Autumn Party

A friend from class invited all the chinese to a mid-autumn party~also known as a Harvest Moon Festival gathering, at his house. I was invited as well, or at least I hope I was.
But unfortunately, barely 5 minutes after receiving his verbal invitation...
I went absolutely silent and said that I wouldn't be able to make it.
I'm a little upset, I guess.
Nicole's going. Everyone's going too. And it really is quite near my house.
However I knew that he might as well not let me know about it.
There's no way my aunt would let me. And I was right. Right in the car I asked her and before I even finished what I had to say, she had that look on her face that meant much more than the word "No."
It's fine that I'm practically feeling like an only child.
 I just want to hang out with my friends and have fun with them without having to think about how much I owe the ones who now provide food and shelter over my head.
 My friends are not criminals. They're top students from the first class.
We all are. Can't I be trusted?
 Because last I checked, I'm quite sure that I'm not stupid nor desperate you know.
Whatever. She doesn't even know about how my friends call me the "prisoner" because I'm never allowed out of the house other than for school.

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