Monday, October 24, 2011

a Girl's Best Friend

Did I ever mention that I once had 8 dogs? I don't think I'll tell you guys now.
My oldest one is a mixed-I don't really know what mix-and he's so totally loveable. Everyone just calls him Old Man because when my father found him, he was already past his peak of age and we weren't all that into names so a name that literally refers to who really sets in once you start using it. And he already got used to it before we could do anything about it...well, yeah..that was kinda our fault. But I'll swear, he's the smartest dog I'll ever have. You see, one time, the gate wasn't actually closed so Old Man and this one other bulldog got loosed and of course, they were gone before you could shout No!
For God knows how long my family searched for the both of them to no avail(I was too young that time), until one day, Old Man came walking back home like he never left and sat obediently at the gate, waiting for someone to open it for him and greet him. No one knows what happened to the other one..he never came back.
And anyway, since that day, someone would always leave the gate unlocked(as long as the gate's ain't locked, Old Man'd open it by himself)and Old Man always went out to answer nature's call, see a little scenery and get some exercise and come back home...all by himself. If the gates locked when he came back, he would just sit there loyally till someone comes to unlock it. Quite the smart guy. He lived till a very, very old age.
This is dedicated to my loveable friend, Old Man. I love you no matter where you are.

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