Monday, October 24, 2011

People who Boasts

People who can't help themselves and feel like boasting..., I believe is a condition where they feel the lack of attention, probably caused by loneliness and self-dejection. These people mayhaps..unconsciously think that they're envious of another person. For example, you see this friend, who has a perfect family with more carefree than rigidness compared to yours, and then almost immediately, you feel this need or desire to be better than that friend of yours to cover up your own private flaws. Or in some cases you just want to be able to be on the same plane as your friend. What these people don't realize is that boasting seems negative to other people who aren't you whereas, boasting for you is sometimes comforting- proof that you're better or on the same plane.
So people who boasts, aren't actually all that bad. Think twice before alienating them. ^_^

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