Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sea of Blood

I can't believe it. It wasn't new news to me but when I saw again the images of that horrifying sea of blood(LITERALLY!!!).......I just couldn't stop thinking about it.
How can anyone even call that tradition?! Maturity, are you serious? That sea is red in color as if a million gigantic tank of red dye was spilled into the ocean which would have been better...but unfortunately, it's not. It's a sea of blood of the innocents. Red through and through. Innocents slaughtered with deep slashes around their neck while they're still alive enough to stare at you with their big black eyes, moist with flowing tears. I only have one thing to say....-I am very, very disappointed.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Pet Names can get out of hand

Doesn't anyone find it funny that some people name their beloved pets after products and brands? Surely I can't be the only one that agrees. I mean, there's nothing wrong with it but it gets pretty awkward for me at times 'cause I used to have this two dalmatians named Leng Zhai and Leng Lui, which meant handsome and pretty respectively in cantonese. And whenever these two got out into the park in front of our former house, you can expect a few head-turns. My brothers and sisters used to shout their names to get them to come back home and, to be expected, some people DO reply to the calls. It was hilarious!! However, some names after products and brands don't sound that bad at all. Chanel, for example, or even Gatsby as long as no one thinks of the actual product. Yeah, they're pretty good. Oh, and one more thing, don't take after me and name your darlings names other people would misheard.....unless, you're humour-proof.

one pair of He'lls for the occasion

The pair of heels I bought for the wedding is impossibly sky-high(for the likes of me anyway). But, I mean, its for a wedding so it's fine, right? I'm just afraid I'm going to topple over in them and embarrass myself on such a huge day. And my aunt wouldn't let me practice in them first-saying that I'll be fine on that day and blah blah blah..I can't even listen to her. Anyhow, my fingers are crossed and wishing upon my blue night star that all goes well and I can just break down and hibernate for like a million years. Good grief.