Saturday, March 3, 2012

School Camp? Really?

For the first time in my life, I'm actually going to join a school camp.
Well, I am excited of course but then, I'm pretty anxious by the late. My aunt never lets me go any camping trips. This is the first since it's held in the school and the school is just right behind my home after all. I never thought of joining this camp but I thought..., why not? It'd help my independence.
But, I really, really can't imagine how I'm going to survive, away from my supplies and security. Most people would agree that I should go because if not, then I would really become some sort of pampered house-kept lady! Ugh...I feel a little sick.
The weather ain't very stable lately and its continued to catch me off guard. Sigh~
My glucose shooting low too; appetite not working so well. I'm dazing and sleepy.

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