Thursday, February 14, 2013

Handmade in France, Sweet!

Blah. I went into Evita Peroni just yesterday.
And when I walked in, this extremely friendly guy
came up to my cuz and I
and was like, all "Hello!"
And that was fine.
Then he started talking about how good
the products are;
imported and handcrafted...the sort.
That was pretty good too.
Until he offered to try on this beautiful
hair clip on my hair for me...
He started showing me the multiples hairstyles
that could be done with that one clip.
Thus, inevitably, I fell for it like bees to pollen.
I mean, after all that, I had to have it.
Here comes the part...
My cuz was planning on paying cash
but when she heard the price,
she took out her card instead.
Even my aunt was surprised.
She said earlier that she knew that this brand was expensive
and thought maybe it was like RM30 for one clip.
But none of us expected a triple digit!
It was RM199!!
For a hair clip made by hand in France.
I'm wearing it now actually.
Despite that shocking ordeal.
Okay, so maybe I'm doing it a bit wrong.
RM199 for a hair clip.
A hair clip.
I repeat, RM(200) for a hair clip.
But that's for another's point of view.
I'm liking the first one.

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