Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Books nowadays aren't how I imagined them to be any longer...
I've always found paperbacks a little saddening..never thought I'd sigh this much more often than I'm supposed to.
Don't anyone value the quality of original hard-covers anymore? I'm quite sure some people out there still do. I mean, I can't be the only one. Paperbacks are convenient from time to time but I just wish that there'll be more hard-covers around more often than I can sigh.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sea of Blood

I can't believe it. It wasn't new news to me but when I saw again the images of that horrifying sea of blood(LITERALLY!!!).......I just couldn't stop thinking about it.
How can anyone even call that tradition?! Maturity, are you serious? That sea is red in color as if a million gigantic tank of red dye was spilled into the ocean which would have been better...but unfortunately, it's not. It's a sea of blood of the innocents. Red through and through. Innocents slaughtered with deep slashes around their neck while they're still alive enough to stare at you with their big black eyes, moist with flowing tears. I only have one thing to say....-I am very, very disappointed.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Pet Names can get out of hand

Doesn't anyone find it funny that some people name their beloved pets after products and brands? Surely I can't be the only one that agrees. I mean, there's nothing wrong with it but it gets pretty awkward for me at times 'cause I used to have this two dalmatians named Leng Zhai and Leng Lui, which meant handsome and pretty respectively in cantonese. And whenever these two got out into the park in front of our former house, you can expect a few head-turns. My brothers and sisters used to shout their names to get them to come back home and, to be expected, some people DO reply to the calls. It was hilarious!! However, some names after products and brands don't sound that bad at all. Chanel, for example, or even Gatsby as long as no one thinks of the actual product. Yeah, they're pretty good. Oh, and one more thing, don't take after me and name your darlings names other people would misheard.....unless, you're humour-proof.

one pair of He'lls for the occasion

The pair of heels I bought for the wedding is impossibly sky-high(for the likes of me anyway). But, I mean, its for a wedding so it's fine, right? I'm just afraid I'm going to topple over in them and embarrass myself on such a huge day. And my aunt wouldn't let me practice in them first-saying that I'll be fine on that day and blah blah blah..I can't even listen to her. Anyhow, my fingers are crossed and wishing upon my blue night star that all goes well and I can just break down and hibernate for like a million years. Good grief.

Monday, October 24, 2011

a Girl's Best Friend

Did I ever mention that I once had 8 dogs? I don't think so.....so I'll tell you guys now.
My oldest one is a mixed-I don't really know what mix-and he's so totally loveable. Everyone just calls him Old Man because when my father found him, he was already past his peak of age and we weren't all that into names so a name that literally refers to who really sets in once you start using it. And he already got used to it before we could do anything about it...well, yeah..that was kinda our fault. But I'll swear, he's the smartest dog I'll ever have. You see, one time, the gate wasn't actually closed so Old Man and this one other bulldog got loosed and of course, they were gone before you could shout No!
For God knows how long my family searched for the both of them to no avail(I was too young that time), until one day, Old Man came walking back home like he never left and sat obediently at the gate, waiting for someone to open it for him and greet him. No one knows what happened to the other one..he never came back.
And anyway, since that day, someone would always leave the gate unlocked(as long as the gate's ain't locked, Old Man'd open it by himself)and Old Man always went out to answer nature's call, see a little scenery and get some exercise and come back home...all by himself. If the gates locked when he came back, he would just sit there loyally till someone comes to unlock it. Quite the smart guy. He lived till a very, very old age.
This is dedicated to my loveable friend, Old Man. I love you no matter where you are.

People who Boasts

People who can't help themselves and feel like boasting..., I believe is a condition where they feel the lack of attention, probably caused by loneliness and self-dejection. These people mayhaps..unconsciously think that they're envious of another person. For example, you see this friend, who has a perfect family with more carefree than rigidness compared to yours, and then almost immediately, you feel this need or desire to be better than that friend of yours to cover up your own private flaws. Or in some cases you just want to be able to be on the same plane as your friend. What these people don't realize is that boasting seems negative to other people who aren't you whereas, boasting for you is sometimes comforting- proof that you're better or on the same plane.
So people who boasts, aren't actually all that bad. Think twice before alienating them. ^_^

Sunday, October 23, 2011

My one so Many Complications

This is a list of the things I despise the most in my entire living existence...
1. Betrayal.
2. Fools.
3. Insects(Most of them).
4. The Sun.
5. So-called 'paparazzi'.
6. Idiots.

And this is a list of my phobias...
1. Automatonophobia/Pediophobia
2. Coulrophobia
3. Thalassophobia
4. Demophobia
5. Haphephobia

.....heheh...I'm twisted. How can one person have so many complications? And my phobias are no joke, especially the first one...

Monday, October 10, 2011

I'm Not Crazy

Okay, I'm eccentric but not crazy. Never crazy. There's a huge difference, got that?
I might go weirdo and mad at times but it's not entirely my fault.
Eccentric is intelligence and crazy is.....nut-crack crazy.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Old computer with Old tricks

Vile..vile..absolute vile...I have no words to describe it. It's impossible!
What is wrong with this computer?! It's a nutcase(like myself -_-").....sigh.....

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Just a little Rest needed..

I'm stressing out because of my End-year examinations and they won't be a piece of cake that's for sure. But I can't say that I'm afraid of it but more like, the consequences that comes after. After all these years, what people expected of me became what I want for myself. If I don't have it, I feel as though I'm letting my very existence down and I don't want to feel that way!!
........I just don't understand..why I can't seem to understand what it is that I don't understand? Is it suppose to be a question or should I just keep quiet about it and glue my head to a textbook?
I know that being top is important; I really do understand so that is why I'm always so competitive in my own way.
What's so confusing?! I don't even get it myself!!
Anyway, sorry for troubling you guys with my unnecessary fusssing-abouts. I just need some time to think. I'll try to write something better for you guys when I'm better- something that you guys should be able to relate yourselves to. And that's a solid promise with my heart crossed. Good bye and take care.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Remember your rewards if you do what is your destiny
for you shall only falter and fall;
'if' it is unwise of you to succumb to lowly rewards
that is no better than a grab of fine sand.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sprained Ankle Incident

I sprained my ankle in school the other day and it was so stupid.
This is how it happened; the recess bell rang so my BFF and I had to immediately head to our respective 'workplace'. As we were leaving, some juniors were playing around and they got too close to me. I was going to cross a drain at the time but I forgot and tried to avoid the oncoming juniors, thus, I lost my balance and had to shift my position in mid-air as I was falling to avoid falling into the drain instead.
Oh God, and it was so, so stupid......I miscalculated and twisted my ankle.
It was almost unbelievable. My ankle bent 90 degrees and I nearly thought I fractured it. Fortunately, my friend helped me to find a place to sit. I had to skip on one leg the whole way..and that hurt too, you know.
But I guess it's fine since the juniors apologized to me afterward, even though it wasn't totally their fault. I should have stood my ground instead of doing something as stupid as that. Urghh! I'm just so forgetful this days.
Juniors..sorry for acting like it was all you guys' fault. Pretty sorry with cherries on top?

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Nothing Goes Right

I don't seem to study enough, play enough, sleep enough by the late. Not to mention, do better enough.
Everything's been really messed up. Nothing goes peacefully without me worrying myself to death first and even then, I'm pissed off. For real. People annoy me and they seem even more unnecessary than usual. I can't do a thing right like how I'm supposed to.
I'll admit that I'm a coward but this is just too much...sigh.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


The worst possible sickness I could ever have and hate has got to be....the infamous sore-throat. I'm not sure why but I just hate it so much that I would do anything in my right mind to avoid getting it, even if it means drinking as much water as a waterholic. That scratchy, nudging and not to mention painful feeling at the end of my tongue just annoys me and really puts me over the edge.
I can deal with the flu, fevers and coughs but it's always that one pain in the neck that makes me all ready to punch someone in the face.
There's this guy during PSS meeting and I nearly lost my cool there and give him a piece of my mind. I'm annoying, true, but not almost like him. I swear..that irritating face of his is so out-dated. (Don't even get me started) However, I am a lady so I stayed poised and deadly.
It's much better now, though, my sore-throat, I mean.
Of course I had a sore-throat!! Why the Hell's luck did you think I would be writing about it if I hadn't had one. Urgghhh!
Okay, I'm not going to lose my cool again so goodbye. For now.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Picky Picky Picky

Is it my fault that I'm all lethargic in class?
I would rather blame the teachers but I guess I can't be too picky. I always want the best possible service like air-conditioning, tiled floors and simple but elegant in-out windows.
Sigh.....this is me being all selfish, I think.
There's something I just can't seem to understand. Why the Hell's luck is our school looks like it's from Palm Bay? What's with all the palm trees? No wonder it's getting warmer and warmer everyday.
And with that sand-color paint...ugh.
Some people really do have bad taste. Go with something more inviting and cooling. How about big trees with lots of leaves and separate branches? That should be cooling enough and it would even give some shade to the open assembly hall. Oooohhhh, then it would look like the bird paradise tropical forest or something. That's pretty awesome. Don't you agree?
As for the...Herbal Garden? You call that a Herbal Garden?
It reminded me of bunnies' favorite cafe site. The plants seemed drunk, all floppy and wavy. I understand the teachers have put some worthwhile effort into maintaining that small garden but you can barely notice it. Students walked by without giving a glance at it. Sorry for being so straight-forward but thats the absolute truth. Sorry anyway. I appreciated your efforts however and it needs some improvising. Heheh...